
Showing posts from January, 2018

Working with Angular 5 Components

Hey all. From the previous article we got to know the way of creating an Angular5 Project.Today we will be looking forward on Angular Components. In Angular, a Component is a special kind of  directive  that uses a simpler configuration which is suitable for a component-based application structure. As an example we   can create separate components for header, sidebar and footer of a web project. So that we can easily call them anywhere in our project. First lets look at the Angular Directory Structure. In here all the workings in the project is done in the src folder .If we go through the src folder we can see an app folder in it.components are there in the app folder. The front view of the project is designed from the app.component.html file which is in the app folder.All the css changes are done by css file in it. Now create a directory to store all components you create in the app folder.The directory structure will looks like, Now lets create a co

PHP CRUD Application Using Functions - View

From our previous article we went through the way of  entering data to the database using php functions. If your are not familiar with it visit  PHP CRUD Application Using Functions-Insert  to get to know about it. Now lets create the User View in the same file. I have made some changes to the insert form to make it look nice. Code for the new form is given below <div class="row">     <hr> </div> <div class="col-md-2"></div> <div class="col-md-8"> <div class="panel panel-default">   <div class="panel-body">   <h2>Add New User</h2> <form action="" method="POST">   <div class="form-group">     <label for="exampleInputEmail1">Name</label>     <input type="text" class="form-control" id="exampleInputEmail1" placeholder="Name" name="name">   <

PHP CRUD Application using functions - Insert

Hey Everyone. When developing a website using PHP, it is essential to develop it as a CRUD application.This article will show you how to insert form data into database using php with the help of functions. First we should create our front view and the database to continue further. Creating the front view We should create a project folder in our root folder.Since I am using Wamp server, I'll create it in the www folder. Next we should create a another folder called views to store the view files. Now I have created a php file called Home.php to create the front view. Now my folder structure will be like , Now to create the view I am using Bootstrap to make it interactive. Copy the CDN link from the  Bootstrap Guide  and paste it in between <head> tag. Now I will copy  Form Template  from the CSS in the Bootsrap site and paste it in between <body> tag. <form>   <div class="form-group">     <label

HTML Tables


Create your first Angular 5 project

AngularJS is a very popular Javascript framework that is used when adding java script to web project.It is mainly used for Single Page Applications(SPA) and very easy to learn. Set Up you Environment In this article I will be using Angular stable (v5.2.1) version.You can easily get this version from . In the sidebar you can see the angular versions and you can select the particular version there.Then you will need to install the angular CLI by using npm command.For this you should have installed  node.js to your system first. After the installation you can run the npm command in your command line by copying the command from the angular guide . Now you can create your new project. Select the particular folder to create the project from the command line and type the following code. ng new my - app Here my-app is my project name and you can use any name you prefer. Directory structure of the project is given below. Now y

CodeIgniter Directory Structure

This article will give you a detailed description on the codeigniter folder structure which will help you to know the theoretical concepts when developing. Once you download the  codeigniter framework  , you can extract it and save it in your project folder. Now the folder structure will be shown as follows. In here we basically focus on the three main folders (application,system and user_guide) and the index.php file. index.php index.php is the php file where the request is sent to the controller which comes from the web browser. user guide folder User guide folder is considered to be the offline version of documentation. Following diagram contains the CodeIgniter User guide online documentation user_guide folder contains same information which is there in the online documentation system folder All the CodeIgniter functionalities and database connections are stored in system folder. It basically contain all the CodeIgniter libraries. Strictly