
Showing posts from July, 2017

Get Bootstrap to your web project

Bootstrap is one of the most popular HTML,CSS and JavaScript framework used to develop web applications. Also it is a free and open source software designed by twitter including HTML,CSS and JavaScript based designed templates. This article will show you how to set up Bootstrap in your computer Method 1 Step 1 Go to to download Bootstrap and click  Download Bootstrap button. There You will get the following window. Click Download Bootstrap button and save the zip file. Step 2 Extract the zip file in to a new folder. There you will get three folders named as css, fonts and js. Step 3 Rename the folder and make it simple(eg : bootstrap). Then you will have to copy the  bootstrap folder to the root directory of the web project. Step 4 Get the bootstrap Basic template and copy it to your text editor and save it in your web project folder. Folder structure of the web project is shown in the below diagram. Then edit the html ...

Java Part 4 : Hello World!

This article will show you how to execute the first Java program. At first you should get to know few terms related to java programming. Java Comments Java comments are used to provide information and explanations to the code you develop. These comments are not executable and added in the program to get a clear understanding about the code. There are different types of java comments and you will  get to know about them in upcoming articles . package myproject Java Package contain one or more Java files. In here contents of the file belongs to the package myproject   public class MyProject Java File contains only one class and the class name should always match with the file name. An error will be generated if the package name does not match with the file name. Note : Java is a case sensitive Language public static void main(String[] args) To run a class there should be a special behavior.   ...

Java Part 3 : Creating a New Project in Java

Before Developing a program you will have to create  a new project using Netbeans. For that you will have to follow the steps given below. Step 1 : Click file menu and open New project Here the category should be Java and the project should be Java Application as shown in the image shown above. Then click Next . Step 2 : Give a suitable name for the project Here I have named the project as MyProject . Also you can select the location to save the project. and then click finish. Now the project has been created and it will be displayed in the side menu bar. Now you can start coding .

Java Part 2 :How to Install Java

This article will show you how to set up the java environment in your computer. For this you will have to install below set of software. Java Standard Edition (SE) Developer's Kit (JDK) Netbeans Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Install Java Standard Edition (SE) Developer's Kit (JDK) Installation can be done from the following link. Once you click the link you will get window given below. From this window you can download the software according to your operating system. But in here make sure to accept the license agreement before you start downloading the software. Netbeans Integrated Development Kit Netbeans integrated development kit can be downloaded using the following link. But for the easy installation, you can download and  install Java JDK and Netbeans from the following link at once. http://www.o...

Java Part 1 : Introduction to Java Programming Language

From the first article you will get to know a basic introduction to Java Programming Language. Java is a High level programming Language and also an Object Oriented Programming Language which is originated in 1991 at Sun Microsystems by James Gosling and Patrick Naughton . Java can be called as a Cross Platform Programming Language which can be developed and run in multiple operating systems like Windows, Mac and Linux. In here the codes will be executed using the virtual machine called Java Virtual Machine. This virtual machine should also be installed before executing the codes. Up Next :  How to install Java