
Ruby - Variables and Constants

This article will focus on variables and constants in Ruby. Variables Variables are used as a location to store a value. Variables are assigned using equal (=) sign. Eg: x=5 Constants Variables which starts with a capital letter is a constant where it's value cannot be changed. Eg: MyNum = 20 Below output will be given when assigning a value to a constant variable. Try out the code to get a more clear idea.

Ruby - Dynamic, Open source programming language

Hey all... CodeCircle is back with a new programming language. This article is intended to give you a basic introduction to Ruby programming language. Ruby is a Dynamic, Open source programming language which is mainly focused on simplicity and productivity. This language is completely a free language which is developed by  Yukihiro Matsumoto.  This article will help you to get a fresh start in Ruby. "Hello World...!" As the first command in Ruby, we will look how to print a statement in Ruby. Basically, the print statement can be printed using two methods, 1) puts method The built-in method puts used to print a statement. The strings are printed using single or double quotes. Given below is the command used to print the statement "Hello World...!". puts "Hello World...!" Try this command 2) print method Another built-in method is Print which can be shown as below. print "Hello World...!" Try this command In Rub

ngFor in Angular2

Hey...!! It's been a while since I posted my last article in CodeCircle. In web development,when fetching data from the database we use for loops basically.Use of  for loops can be easily done using *ngFor in AngularJS. Lets see how we can easily use this in implementation. Set up your Angular environment as we did in previous articles. Now lets try simple examples to get aclear idea of using *ngFor. Example 1 :Print Set of fruits  Define an array of fruits in your app.components.ts file as below. import { Component } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'app-root', templateUrl: './app.component.html', styleUrls: ['./app.component.css'] }) export class AppComponent { public fruits = ['Apple', 'Grapes', 'Lemon', 'Oranges', 'Papaw']; } Now write the code for the *ngFor in your app.components.html file. <p *ngFor="let item of this.fruits">{{item}}</p> Outpu


If you are familiar with SQL, you might have written queries to fetch data using a single table. But SQL joins are used to fetch data from two or more tables. This can be considered as one of the most benefited features enable in SQL. Lets see how we can use SQL joins to fetch data . Rather than storing the same data in multiple tables,by using this method one table will keep a reference to a ID of the other table. This approach is more efficient  and lets see we can do this using SQL joins. Types of Joins In MySql we can see there are mainly three joins , INNER JOIN LEFT JOIN RIGHT JOIN 01. INNER JOINS In INNER JOIN,  the query selects all the rows from both tables where there is a match between the columns in both tables. SQL Query SELECT column_name(s) FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.column_name=table2.column_name; Here the INNER JOIN is Specified by the ON keyword which is in the syntax. Example : Lets see How the INNER

Microservice Architecture

Microservice Architecture or simply Microservices, an emerging technology grown popular in recent years which is used in software development.The article will help you to get to know about Micro Services. This architecture is helpful for the deployment of large complex applications also support for range of platforms and devices like web,android,Internet of Things and wearables .  The large complex applications are deployed into small modules which runs separately as unique processes.So basically using Microservices you can easily use any of the technologies as the development is done separately as a module.  The communication among the modules are done considering the requirements of the business goal. Here HTTP/REST with JSON is mostly used. Examples  Netflix eBay Amazon Twitter PayPal Soundcloud   and many of the other applications have now moved to microservices from Monolithic Architecture where they have decomposed their business logic into small unit as mo

AngularFire2 Set up

In order to use Firebase as your database in Angular2 project it is essential to import AngularFire2 library to your project.For this you can refer the GitHub documentation   and get an idea. At first you have to import the library using the following code. npm install firebase angularfire2 --save Now move on to your app.module.ts file of your project and import the library. using the below code. import { AngularFirestore } from ' angularfire2/firestore ' ; And then you need to export the configuration in the same file.Use the below code to change according to your project. export const   firebaseConfig={ apikey :'', authDomain:'', databaseURL:'', storageBucket:'', messagingSenderID:'' }; Obtain the configurations according to your project through your firebase project.There you will get a similar window as below. Now import the Module using the following code. AngularFireModule.initializeApp(firebaseConfig

Routing your Angular2 Project

In order to work with different modules in your web project it is essential to create Routes so that you can easily navigate through your navbar components or sidebar components.This article will help you to get through navigation by importing RouterModule.Make sure that you have installed Angular CLI. Import RouterModule To import RouterModule move on to your app.module.ts file and import using the following code. import { RouterModule,Routes } from '@angular/router'; Then add the RouterModule to the imports which in the below of the same file. RouterModule.forRoot(appRoutes) Now create the path to your HomeCompoent.The directory structure of my project is below. Here I have created components called home,addstudent and viewstudent. The paths for those components are created as below. const appRoutes:Routes = [ {path:'',component:HomeComponent}, {path:'add',component:AddstudentComponent}, {path:'view',component:Viewstudent